Act 101 Section 902 Recycling Grant
Pennsylvania DEP Incentivising Municipal Recycling Programs | Leaf Collection
Until May 10, 2024 at 11:59PM, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is accepting applications for the Act 101, Section 902 Recycling Program Development & Implementation Grant. As per the DEP, “The grants reimburse counties and municipalities 90 percent of eligible recycling program development and implementation expenses.”
⚠The Deadline:
Application must be submitted no later than
May 10, 2024 at 11:59PM

What the 902 Grant is:
As per the DEP Recycling Financial Assistance Resource
All Pennsylvania counties and municipalities pursuing eligible recycling programs, to include leaf collection (for later separation & composting).
Who the 902 Grant is For:
As per the DEP 902 Grant Application Guidelines
Act 101, Section 902, Recycling Program Development and Implementation Grants – the grants reimburse counties and municipalities 90% of eligible recycling program development and implementation expenses.
This grant covers any purchase of equipment (≤ $200,000) that contributes to a recycling program. This extends towards the collection & recycling of leaf waste to be later separated and turned into compost. With that stated, leaf collectors are eligible for this grant, as per the criteria set forth by the DEP.
How to Apply for the 902 Grant:
As per the DEP 902 Grant Application Guidelines
The 902 Recycling Grant application must be submitted through the Department of Community and Economic Development’s (DCED) Electronic Single Application website. Paper and faxed copies will not be accepted.
Let us know when you’re ready to move forward as we’re here to help & happy to walk you through the application process. Should you move forward on your own, in order to move forward with your application, you’ll be required to log into (or register for) your ESA Keystone Account, follow the on-screen prompts, and complete the form in its entirety, accurately filling in all required items.